Graduate Students

The e-book for this course can be found by clicking the VitalSource Bookshelf link in the course’s Canvas menu. Access is obtained by OPTING-IN to the e-book before the billing date. We will student bill the e-book charge.

To purchase an e-book at any time, go through the Bookstore website and the Bookstore will OPT you into the e-book once the order is processed.
There is no access code needed.

Undergraduate E-Books

Most E-Books are included in Textbook Rental so there are no additional costs and no access codes needed. To access your e-book go to your course’s Canvas page, on the left-side menu click on VITALSOURCE BOOKSHELF, and OPT-IN to begin reading your textbook. Please OPT IN to the e-book within the first week of the course otherwise you may not have access later in the semester.

Graduate Cengage E-Book Course

The textbook(s) for this course are Cengage e-book(s) that are accessible through the course’s Canvas page through a link provided by your professor. There is no access code or opting-in needed. The cost for all Cengage materials is $35.00 and will be billed to your student account after the class has begun.

How Faculty Add VitalSource Bookshelf to Canvas:

Please go to your course’s Canvas page Settings → Navigation, toward the bottom you'll see VitalSource Bookshelf, drag that to the top and click save. VitalSource Bookshelf will now show up on the left-side menu. It will take about 30 mins. for the e-book to sync with your course. Students will have access to the e-book through the VitalSource Bookshelf link.

Graduate Students can either purchase the e-book online at OR they can just OPT-IN through the Vitalsource Bookshelf link and the Bookstore will charge their student account.